I will assume that you have successfully deployed our CalculatorService in the Apache Tomcat. If not follow this link to create web service Develop and Debug web services using Axis, Eclipse and Tomcat
1.To check the deployed service type the following URL in the browser.
2. Then you will see the flowing screen.
3. Then click on Service to view the list of all the available web services deployed in this server. Currently we have only one deployed web service. Then you will see the following list of services page.
4. To check the service definition click on service name "Calculator" or type following URL in the browser.
5.To check whether service is working properly, check the following URLs.
Check Operation getSummation:
You see an xml file containing result as below. You can change the arguments to see the service working.
Check Operation getSubtraction:
You see an xml file containing result as below. You can change the arguments to see the service working.
Check Operation getDivision:
You see an xml file containing result as below. You can change the arguments to see the service working.
Check Operation getMultiplication:
You see an xml file containing result as below. You can change the arguments to see the service working.
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